Managing users

Clearance Developer Guide

Content type
Guides > Developer guides
Product line
Applies to
Genetec Clearance

The User Manager Service API is an API that relies on Principals to facilitate the handling of user actions and data in Genetec Clearance™. To manage users, the integration principal that is calling the API must be part of the Account Administrator group (Tenant administrator group for legacy systems).

For a complete reference, access the User Manager Service API.

Every access credential in the system is called a Principal. There are three types of Principals:

  • User: Any physical user that signs into Clearance from a web browser. These users can be part of groups.

  • Group: A group of principals that can be given similar access in the system. A group cannot be part of another group.

  • Service: An unattended user or service that is used to call the different Clearance APIs. A service principal can be part of a group.