ClearID Architecture

ClearID Developer Guide

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Genetec ClearID

Genetec ClearID™, offered either as a globally distributed or as a European-only solution, synchronizes data between local sites, regional services, and global services. The web application modules allow you to perform tasks and share data between the authoritative sources, ClearID, and the endpoints.

ClearID takes advantage of the following:

  • Multiple Azure data centers - to minimize the risk of downtime.

  • Encrypted employee data - to minimize the risk of data theft.

Globally distributed instance

The following diagram illustrates the globally distributed solution. The diagram illustrates what data is stored, where data is stored, how data flows between the local sites, the regional services, and the global services. In this scenario, data is stored in the data center closest to the country specified in the employee profile.

Data flow and storage between local sites, regional services, and global services

For visitors, the relevant guest information is stored in global storage with the visit event information. This information is then transferred to the Security Center managing the site visited.

Europe only instance

The following diagram illustrates the Europe only solution - where data is stored in European data centers. For example, when customers or company policies require data to be stored in Europe

Data flow and storage for Europe only

Demo instance (Dev environment)

To develop and test integrations between ClearID and other systems, we have a demo and pre-production environment that is a copy of the production environment, located in the United States.

This instance is not intended for hosting live customers using ClearID. Although it is managed similarly to our production instances, we cannot guarantee the SLA of this particular instance.

API Endpoints by instance

When using the API, since the different instances are 100% isolated from each other, the endpoint URLs are different between the instances.

ClearID takes advantage of multiple Azure data centers, minimizing risk by storing encrypted data about identities and employees in the data center closest to the country specified in the identity JSON object. For example, when an identity is created in ClearID, the country is a mandatory attribute.

In the Global instance, if the country of the identity is set to Australia, ClearID stores all the private data about that identity encrypted in an Azure Datacenter located in Australia.

For the European instance, the country is required to keep the API identical to the original version. However, the identity data is always stored in Europe.