Discovering the DAP partnership benefits

Development Acceleration Program


Depending on your DAP partnership level, you have access to a variety of technical articles, samples, and more. The partnership tiers are the following:

  • Bronze

  • Silver

  • Gold

To access the full benefits, your company requires a valid SDK Agreement and must be part of the Bronze, Silver, or Gold partnership tier. More details regarding the other components of the partnership tiers can be found in the following article: What are the costs associated with the SDK?

After selecting the plan that best suits your needs, advise us at or contact our Channels Sales team to receive a quote. Once your purchase order has been processed, we will create a DAP Resource Center account based on your email address. If other members of your team would like access to this resource, provide us with their names and email addresses, and we will create accounts for them as well.

For more details about the plans and what they include, see the DAP technical assistance brochure.