Genetec has updated their SDK License Terms. The updated terms can be found here:
If you have a paper copy of the SDK Agreement
When you requested our Extended SDK, you signed an SDK Agreement indicating the name of your integration and the purpose of your development. This SDK Agreement allows you to develop the solution as mentioned. It is necessary to accept the new SDK License Terms to add new integrations or new projects. To do so, follow the steps below:
Consult the Development Acceleration Program (DAP) page on the Genetec website and click Apply here to begin.
Complete all the fields in the SDK request form.
Accept the "SDK License Terms" directly in the form.
The DAP team will seek approval with the relevant teams and contact you if additional information is necessary.
If approved: The DAP team will send you the "Definitive Integration Scope" email, allowing you to develop a new integration or distribute your solution to new end users.
If declined: Someone from the DAP team will communicate directly with you to inform you that your request has been declined.
If you have accepted the Terms and Conditions
When developing your previous integration with the Standard SDK, you read and signed the "SDK Terms of Use" online while filling out the SDK application form. If you would like to develop a new solution or distribute it to other end users, follow the steps below :
Consult the Development Acceleration Program (DAP) page on the Genetec website and click Join the program to begin.
Complete all the fields in the SDK request form.
Accept the "SDK License Terms" directly in the form.
The DAP team will seek approval with the relevant teams and contact you if additional information is necessary.
If approved: The DAP team will send you the "Definitive Integration Scope" email, allowing you to develop the new integration or distribute your solution to new end users.
If declined: Someone from the DAP team will communicate directly with you to inform you that your request has been declined.
If you have received your Definitive Integration Scope
Inform of the new integration or new end users if you meet the following criteria:
You have accepted the SDK License Terms through the Development Acceleration Program SDK Application form
You have received the "Definitive Integration Scope" email from
You have a new integration that you would like to develop or you would like to distribute your existing integration to new end users
The DAP team will seek approval with the relevant teams and contact you if additional information is necessary.
If approved: The DAP team will send you a revision of your "Definitive Integration Scope" email that will include the accepted terms.
If declined: Someone from the DAP team will communicate directly with you to inform you that your request has been declined.
If you need more than one SDK package for your development, contact
Once the integration is complete, you need to follow the same process as for your first integration to receive the part number and certificate. More details can be found in the following article: What is the SDK integration process?
Should you have further questions, contact