How to obtain my part number and certificate for production

Development Acceleration Program


Getting the part number and certificate

To obtain the part number and certificate for your application, you need to inform the DAP team at once your development is complete. You will then need to complete the solution listing, after which we will provide you with a certificate file and a unique part number for your integration. The certificate file contains an application ID that is linked to the part number and must be included in your integration to authenticate it in Security Center.

Obtaining a demo license to test your integration

The part number is specific to your integration and remains the same for all end users and Security Center versions. If you want to test your application before purchasing the part number, contact to obtain a demo license containing the specific part number for your application. Note that development part numbers (GSC-SDK-EXTENDED) cannot be added to the demo license as they are only for development purposes.

Ordering the part number on a production system

If your end users wish to use your application on their Security Center production system, they must order your specific part number from their Channel Partner or System Integrator. They do not need to install the SDK package, only your SDK integration.

For formal quotations for your customers' projects, contact our Channel Sales team or System Integrator.