How to open a support ticket on GTAP

Development Acceleration Program


You must have a valid SDK support plan to access GTAP and open support cases.

If your issues are related to development using the SDKs or APIs, they must be escalated to our SDK Support team. Contact Channel Sales if you still need to purchase an SDK assistance plan, they will provide you with a quote for your chosen plan. For more details about the plans, read What are the costs associated with the SDK or contact

How to open a case

  1. Go to First ensure you have a GTAP account. Use your email address to connect to GTAP. Create your password if it is your first time connecting to the GTAP portal. To do so, click Reset Password and enter your email address. You will receive an email to reset or create your password. Once created, you can connect to the GTAP portal with your email address and open your case.

  2. Click Create a Case at the top of the page.DAP_How_do_I_open_a_support_ticket_on_GTAP_01

  3. Enter the case information on the next page (your system ID, server version, and client version): DAP_How_do_I_open_a_support_ticket_on_GTAP_02

  4. Scroll down past the Contact information section and fill in the rest of the fields. DAP_How_do_I_open_a_support_ticket_on_GTAP_03

  5. Make sure to select SDK in the Product area list.DAP_How_do_I_open_a_support_ticket_on_GTAP_04

  6. Click Submit Case once you have completed the fields. DAP_How_do_I_open_a_support_ticket_on_GTAP_05