Issues one command to the system from the body of the POST.
curl -X POST \
-H "Accept: text/plain,application/json,text/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "prefer: prefer_example" \
"http://localhost/v4/Incidents" \
-d '{ }'
A JSON object containing one command (multiple commands in a single POST are not supported). The following commands can be sent through this endpoint:
- LinkIncidents
- TriggerIncident
- UnlinkIncidents
The command was successfully processed.
The command was successfully processed and resulted in a new resource being created.
The command was successfully received and will be processed. Subscribe to the notification feed (/notifications) to receive events related to the command. Events will be sent to subscribers when the command has been successfully processed, otherwise no events will be sent.
The command was successfully processed, but no content needs to be returned.
The Web API was unable to process the request due to a client error (malformed request syntax, size too large, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
The token submitted was either invalid or expired.
The command was not processed because of insufficient privilege.
The command was not processed as one or more of the specified incident IDs were invalid.
The request could not be completed. Genetec Mission Control™ licenses exceeded.
The Web API was unable to process the command.
The Web API did not receive a response to the request. The Incident Manager role might be down at the moment.