About coordinates trails (GPS)

Clearance Developer Guide

Content type
Guides > Developer guides
Product line
Applies to
Genetec Clearance

The coordinate trail is an advanced Genetec Clearance™ feature that uses GPS to record and display an entity's movement on playback of video Evidence. Coordinate trails allow Clearance users to access precise data about the location, speed, and direction of objects of interest.

Make sure to review Uploading a file before continuing.

Clearance supports a coordinates trail display feature during video playback. To use this feature, the video evidence must fulfill these criteria:

  • The evidence must be uploaded using the API.

  • An additional Coordinates Trail resource file must be sent along with the video file resource before completion.


The resource file must have the Mimetype genetec/video-location and content similar to the following Sample coordinates location file:

         "LocationWKT":"POINT(-73.8636711 45.4713071)",
         "LocationWKT":"POINT(-73.8636711 45.4713071)",
         "LocationWKT":"POINT(-73.8636676 45.4713056)",
         "LocationWKT":"POINT(-73.8636845 45.4713138)",
         "LocationWKT":"POINT(-73.8636768 45.4713143)",
         "LocationWKT":"POINT(-73.8636765 45.4713188)",

Coordinates format:

public class Coordinates
  public List<CoordinateEntry> CoordinateEntries { get; set; }

public class CoordinateEntry
  public string LocationWKT { get; set; }

  public double SecondsFromStart { get; set; }

  public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; }

The LocationWKT property is build using the Well-Known Text format.