Adding a new device

Clearance Developer Guide

Content type
Guides > Developer guides
Product line
Applies to
Genetec Clearance

To assign and use devices in Genetec Clearance™, you must first add each new device to your Clearance system by making a call to the API.

New devices can be added with a simple call to the /tenant/{tenantId}/device endpoint.

curl -X POST '' -H  'accept: application/json' -H  'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <some_token>' -d '{ \
  "DeviceIdentification": { \
    "SerialNumber": "1234", \
    "Manufacturer": "genetec", \
    "Model": "clearance", \
    "CommonName": "guide-1" \
  }, \
  "DeviceType": "None" \

Deleting a device

While you can create as many devices as you wish, the API does not allow you to delete them. As such, devices should be added diligently.