Document Service API

Clearance Developer Guide

Content type
Guides > Developer guides
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Applies to
Genetec Clearance

The Document Service API is a web-based service that supports uploading files into an Evidence entity. With the Document Service API, users can manage multiple files with various formats and different metadata. Users can also perform all actions related to evidence-associated files through the API.

An Evidence entity represents a single digital evidence item, but other files may be necessary to accommodate various data representations or include required metadata for media files.

For example, when a video file is uploaded to Genetec Clearanceâ„¢, the system detects its format and attempts to generate a browser-compatible MP4 file for easier visualization. The MP4 version is then appended to the Evidence as a new resource.

Document Service API interactive documentation


Reading evidence content:

When someone uploads a JPEG image, Clearance automatically extracts all the Exif data stored in JPEG. Then, Clearance adds a JSON file to the evidence that contains the extracted metadata to simplify the viewing of this information in a browser.

First, let us read the Evidence through the RESP API using its ID (812) in the Tenant123. The EvidenceID can be found using the Search Service API

HTTP GET request:


The JSON is returned by the Evidence Service when requesting the resources associated with an Evidence. The MimeType is image/jpeg for the picture and genetec/json-exif for the Exif extracted automatically.

    "ResourceId": "813",
    "EvidenceId": "812",
    "Name": "image-45.jpg",
    "MimeType": "image/jpeg",
    "StartTimeUtc": null,
    "EndTimeUtc": null,
    "TimeOffset": null,
    "UploadedTimeUtc": "2017-09-15T13:55:50.2774484Z",
    "UploadedBy": {
      "KId": "",
      "Username": "",
      "PrincipalId": "3",
      "PrincipalType": "user"
    "Parent": null,
    "Thumbnail": null,
    "UploadCertificateThumbprint": null,
    "State": "UserCompleted",
    "DecryptedLengthInBytes": 4913685,
    "ConcurrencyId": "13c6023e102d53f26b4210646757b677afa564c2"
    "ResourceId": "828",
    "EvidenceId": "812",
    "Name": "resource_813_exifmetadata.json",
    "MimeType": "genetec/json-exif",
    "StartTimeUtc": null,
    "EndTimeUtc": null,
    "TimeOffset": null,
    "UploadedTimeUtc": "2017-09-15T13:56:06.3157638Z",
    "UploadedBy": {
      "KId": null,
      "Username": "internal",
      "PrincipalId": "0",
      "PrincipalType": null
    "Parent": "813",
    "Thumbnail": "",
    "UploadCertificateThumbprint": null,
    "State": "UserCompleted",
    "DecryptedLengthInBytes": null,
    "ConcurrencyId": "13c6023e102d53f26b4210646757b677afa564c2"