Resolved issues in the Security Center SDK

Security Center SDK Release Notes

Content type
Release notes
Product line
Security Center
Applies to
Security Center

The following software issues are resolved in Security Center SDK.

Issue Description
2617651 Changing a credential status to Stolen or Lost changes the expiration to MaxValue instead of keeping the existing value.
2450979 Web SDK: Adding a cardholder to a cardholder group it is already a part of fails, but there is no error message saying why.
2450734 When a camera belongs to a child area and that child area is deleted, the camera moves to the partition root instead of the parent area.
2428555 The LogonAsync method returns as successful even if the user is locked and cannot connect.
2171352 Calling the Reader.AccessPoint property for the first time after an update returns duplicate/wrong access points to the SDK.
Fastpath: Read the value twice. Incorrect values are only returned with the first read.